Phi Group Titan Block Retaining Wall

Titan Modular BlockPhi Group Titan Modular Block Wall is a purpose designed concrete block reinforced earth retaining wall system. It can be used as a gravity wall for low retained heights. For larger retained heights, it utilises galvanised steel ladder as it’s basic structural component.

It is suitable for use as a basic retaining wall as well as other similar applications such as bridge abutments, seawalls and other applications. It is especially suitable for those applications with curves and sharp corners. The small block size allows variation during installation.

As with all other mechanically stabilised earth retaining solutions, it is particularly suitable for instances where the ground is being built up to a higher level and the retaining wall is required to retain a filled bank.

The titan is available with a split face finish and comes is a choice of attractive colours to suit most requirements.

Each component has been developed to deliver a cost effective system and ease of installation.The overall system allows the installer to install faster than other similar systems.

Phi Group Titan Modular Block offers affordable performance.
Download Titan Brochure (PDF, 561Kb)

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